Ugrás a tartalomra

Small Grants

With the excep­tion of cross-border projects, enti­ties from at least three Visegrad Group (V4) coun­tries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) must be involved (e.g. a V4 orga­nizer and at least two V4 part­ners). It is advised, how­ever, to include part­ners from all V4 coun­tries. Any orga­ni­za­tion or nat­ural per­son in the world (with the excep­tion of insti­tu­tions directly funded from state bud­gets) is eli­gi­ble for the fund­ing pro­vided that the pro­posed project has “Visegrad” fea­tures (for inspi­ra­tion please see pre­vi­ously awarded grants). For more details see the grant guide­lines.


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