Honoris Causa
In accordance with the requirements stipulated in the doctoral statutes of the University of Pécs the Senate of the University confers the degree of honorary doctor upon those persons from Hungary and abroad who:
• have achieved outstanding results in their respective fields for several decades,
• have gained international recognition,
• have maintained close links with the University of Pécs,
• have rendered the university and the Hungarian sciences outstanding services,
• and the recognition of whose activities, by conferring upon them the honorary doctor title, boosts the prestige of the University of Pécs.
We announce that our honorary doctors have held their inaugural addresses in compliance with Appendix 14. of the Rules of Organization and Operation of the University of Pécs at the respective faculties.
Honorary doctors of the Faculty of Arts:
May 25, 2018
Jun Kaneko

March 12, 2015
John K. Grande

February 7, 2016
Placido Domingo

August 29, 2007
José Carreras

November 7, 2013
Peter Weibel

March 14, 2006
Hegyi Lóránd

March 14, 2007
Horst Peter Maentele